Thursday, October 25, 2012

Vampire Diaries Recap

            It starts with Caroline telling Stefan and Daemon of her experience of going to The Grill to see her “ex?” boyfriend, Matt. While there, she runs into Katherine who tells her to tell Daemon and Stefan that she wants the moonstone or she will “rip this town apart till it rains blood. Tonight, at the Masquerade ball.” Caroline wants to just give her what she wants, but Daemon and Stefan have other plans: to kill Katherine. 

            Jenna gets home from the hospital after being compelled to stab herself. She is confused and embarrassed of why she would do such a thing. Jeremy is insistent on getting revenge on Katherine, but Elena does not want him involved. Such a sweet, sweet older sis. She says Katherine wins, since her and Stefan are over (like that will last).  Jeremy says she is being naive.

            A new character is introduced, Lucy, an old friend of Katherines, who is a witch. She invites her to the Masquerade ball to help her get the moonstone back
            Katherine decides she is going to impersonate Elena at the ball, by straightening her hair-like she doesn’t look identical to her already. Lucy realizes that Katherine wants her to break the curse

            Jeremy, Bonnie, Rick, Caroline, Stefan, and Daemon all gather to discuss a plan to kill Katherine. However, as usual, Bonnie seems uncertain. She thinks it is too dangerous. Isn’t it more dangerous to have Katherine alive?! Bonnie agrees to help, using a spell to trap her. 
          Matt tells Elena that he has “something to do” tonight at the Masquerade ball, leaving her confused. Elena says she is staying home with Jenna tonight. Matt gets all sentimental towards Elena (when will he ever get over her?) telling her that he is always there for her.

            At the ball, Tyler asks his mom about Mason, who responds by saying we won’t be hearing from him (does she know what happened?) Tyler thinks the party should have been cancelled since it was his fathers idea.

            Katherine runs into Matt at the ball, who thinks Elena was not coming. She compels him to get Tyler Lockwood drunk, start a fight with him, then beat him up until he snaps, and won’t stop until Tyler kills him. Mischievous plan, Katherine.
            Bonnie and Jeremy find a room in the house to start the spell out of Emily’s book. Bonnie runs into Lucy, discovering that she is a witch too. Lucy is worried that someone else knows she is a witch. Bonnie finds Lucy later, and tells her to stop the spell she put on Elena. She says she will if they give Katherine the moonstone. Lucy says Katherine saved her life, so she owes her this favor and does not have a choice not to. Bonnie and Lucy realize they are related.

          Elena starts to become suspicious that she has not heard from anyone all day, and begins to think something is going on. Elena learns that everyone but her is at the party, Rick tells her to “let it go”. She decides to sneak off to the party anyway (shocker) and finds out that they are trying to kill Katherine.
            Stefan and Katherine dance at the party (hopefully their last dance, ever) while discussing the moonstone and Jenna. Katherine kills a girl who complemented her on her dress in the middle of the party (how did no one notice…)
            Jeremy pretends he does not know Katherine isn’t Elena, telling his “sister” that Stefan wants to meet her at the edge of the woods to give her the moonstone. Katherine catches on, and asks Caroline what Stefan and Daemon are up to. Caroline tells her they are trying to kill her and that Bonnie has the moonstone, but is in reality, fooling Katherine, trapping her in the room where the spell took place. Stefan learns that the moonstone was Katherine’s to begin with, and that she had been checking up on him throughout the years. He asks her who she was running from when she faked her death, and she mouths the words “I love you”.
            Daemon shoots Katherine, but all goes wrong from here. As Katherine gets shot, Elena feels the bullet as well. Stefan and Daemon learn that Katherine had this planned out the whole time, through Lucy’s spell, linking Elena to Katherine.

           Matt starts to antagonize Tyler, saying bad things about his dead father. They start to fight, but Caroline hears it. Not being able to stop Matt, she knocks him out instead. A girl comes after Tyler with a knife, stabbing him in the shoulder. In self defense, she pushes her out of the way, killing her, which triggers the curse.

            Lucy comes into the room with the moonstone that she got from Bonnie, saying that Katherine is free to leave since the spell has been broken. When Katherine gets the moonstone, she falls to the floor, gasping for breath, dying. Stefan thinks this means him and Elena can be together again, but she thinks otherwise (nooo!) She wants to feel safe before they can be together again.
            Katherine wakes up (guess shes not dead, afterall) in a tomb and can’t get out. Daemon appears and goes to lock her in, but Katherine says that Elena is in danger, which is why she hasn’t killed her yet. Daemon locks her in the tomb anyway. The episode ends with a person in a mask taking Elena

            I used the models of tvgasm and televisionwithoutpity to write this recap. I liked how these write ups were personal and included the authors feelings about the episodes, while including the actual content of the episode. 


  1. wow!!! I have never watched this show, I really don't watch alot of tv, but after reading that this sounds like a really good show. It has action, and drama. It sounds like a show that hooks the viewers and keeps them watching from one show to the next. I really want to know what happens to Elena after the person in the mask took her. You should do another recap on the next episode or let me know when and what channel this is on I think I might become a fan. I used to watch shows like Buffy all the time, but I got busy in highschool and college and didnt have much time for tv. This show sounds like it has it all and it sounds like it is geared more towards todays viewers.

  2. I never have seen this show but it sounds like one you would need to see from the beginning in order to understand what's going on. I always assumed this show was created as a way to play off the Twilight trend since it came out after the movie. Do you think that's the case? The recap gave me a feel for the show in that it has lots of plot twists and story lines you have to keep up with. From commercials I've seen of it I bet a big draw is the cast since a lot of those guys are very good looking! Your extra little sarcastic comments actually helped me understand what was going on better because it gave me insight into things that have happened in previous episodes. Maybe I'll start watching the show on Hulu and give it a chance!

  3. I had never seen this show before either. But i assumed that it went along with the whole vampire swing theses days, and after reading this, I think I was right. I went to and comparing it to this website.. this one seems a lot more formal. It's more about the show then just ripping and making fun of a bad show or a series they don't like. The recap (and yours) gave me a pretty good understanding like Diana said above as where pretty much just talked about that one specific episode and ASSUMED that you know all about the show before hand. It seemed like this site did a better job of working in the general theme of the series as well as breaking down character and plot twist. I like this site more than the one I did.

    1. This is a good descriptive summary, and you definitely chose some of the best recapping sites. But I notice that you didn't make this personal or include your feelings or observations, which this assignment actually encourages you to do. As a result, your writing is more flat than I've seen it. More of you!!!
